
I pulled a cross-section of what I felt represented some of the major beats hit by the industry over the past twelve months

As for the news, I pulled a cross-section of what I felt represented some of the major beats hit by the industry over the past twelve months. For a more comprehensive look at the scandals, surprises, disappointments, and so on of 2010, check out all of the Year in Review articles the rest of the guys put together while I was plinking about in Photoshop.One replica Patek Philippe 4868G Ladie's watch final note: I went through the spelling and grammar of this piece as best as I could, but the rest of Kotaku is off today, and I've been working on finishing up what was supposed to be a little year-end graphic for 16 hours straight.

That's right, I came home from my New Year's Eve celebration, sat down at the computer, and I've been sitting here ever since.What I am trying to say here is that if you come across any errors, be gentle. Drop me a line at faheykotaku, and I'll get things polished up as soon as I regain consciousness.Click here to download your own copy of the replica Patek Philippe 4868G-1R Ladie's watch infographic to hang on your fridge.Happy New Year from all of us at Kotaku!”Much like Ferrari and Lamborghini in the automotive world, Lian Li is considered by many to be the flagship computer chassis manufacturer.

Although they have been in business since 1983, it wasn't until around 2000 that they began turning heads with their all-aluminum PC-60 series enclosures. This happened to be the first enthusiast case I ever reviewed, and at the time, it was light years ahead of anything else on the market.A decade later, Lian Li is still great cases but they replica Patek Philippe 4973G Ladie's watch aren't the only premium enclosure vendor on the block. With stiff competition from the likes of Silverstone, Corsair, NZXT and several others, does Lian Li still have what it takes to remain relevant in the ever-changing PC market?Today we'll be looking at the Lian Li PC-V2120A, a luxury full tower chassis that supports most standard motherboard form factors and also EVGA's exotic HPTX format.

