
fake Balenciaga handbag and class in every handbag that they create

There are a lot of new handbag designers that have come up with many beautiful designs but none of them can compare to the three major labels of designer handbags.These designer handbags are being used by the rich and famous, you can see celebrities carrying them in every possible place. From the streets of New York to the outback of Australia, these celebrities have played a major role in making these designer handbags household names.The three most popular handbag designers today are Coach, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel. They have risen above all the other handbag designers due to the public's demand for their handbags. All three have different styles and approach to handbag design and the only thing they have in common is their popularity which they have enjoyed since the early days of their products' introduction to the fashion industry.Coach Handbags. Made in various colors with the letter C in darker shade, the designs are made to appear bold but elegant. Coach handbags are simple which makes them very elegant and chic. They come in various designs, from shoulder bags to purses, satchels and carry alls, totes, hobos and flaps to cross body bags, choose one that will suit your needs.

There are many colors to choose from too, in various shades of your favorite colors, the choices are just endless. Their most popular design is the low-hanging shoulder bag.Louis Vuitton Handbags. There are three basic designs of the Louis Vuitton collection, the coffee brown bags with light brown LV designs, the white bags with colorful LV designs, and the black bag with colorful LV designs. These have been very successful designs, in very high demand because of their simplicity and sophistication. From these designs, Louis Vuitton has come up with bolder and more active designs focusing more on a more sophisticated look and busier designs and decorations. The colors are more vibrant and intense, a far cry from the subdued neutral colors of earlier designs.Chanel Handbags. Chanel's designs are classic and simple, with the ever present entwined Cs that are very prominent in every bag that they created. It gives the illusion of one C being reflected by the other and comes off as very sophisticated. Chanel creates a clean look in their handbags with solid flat bottoms. The straps set them from other handbag styles with leather and braided straps and gold chains that are very elegant. Chanel exudes luxury and class in every handbag that they create.

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Balenciaga bags replica
fake Balenciaga handbag

